Thank you for your interest in participating in this survey!
It will only take a few minutes and helps us as a brand understand the needs and suffering women go through who experience UTIs.
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Select your sex assigned at birth.
UTIs (Urinary Tracts Infections) can happen at different ages, for different reasons. Which age group do you fall in?
How many times have you experienced a UTI in the past 2 years?
Who would you see FIRST if you needed to treat the symptoms of a UTI?
Whether you seek medical assistance or manage on your own, how long do wait before taking action to treat your UTI?
How sever would you rate the pain you experience associated with a UTI?
What do you believe are some of the triggers for the onset of symptoms for YOUR personal experience with UTIs? Select as many as applies to you.
Do you use any products to PREVENT the occurance of UTIs?
How often do you need to take antibiotics to treat a UTI?
What made you begin to take monthly products to PREVENT your UTI? Check as many as apply.
Did anyone recommend you take products to PREVENT your UTIs?
When treating the symptoms of a UTI, what is the format that your prefer the most?
If you had a choice of flavours in a drinkable UTI solution, which flavour would be your choice? Select your TOP 3.
When would you stop using products to PREVENT UTIs?
Which types of products do you use to PREVENT UTIs?
Among the prevention products listed (cranberry pills, d-mannose, probiotics and prebitoics), were there any that you took to treat a UTI?
Which option(s) most closely resembles your preference in managing you UTI? Select as many as applies.